Srijati Arts

Srijati Arts



 Srinwanti Chakrabarti , is the founder and artistic director of Srijati . Srijati Arts is a global creative arts space founded and directed by Srinwanti Chakrabarti, established in 2002. Since then we have conducted numerous Odissi dance recitals, lecture demonstrations, workshops, dance education projects, dance wellness programs, artistic collaborations with global artists, cultural exchange initiatives in more than 20 countries in the world.Our goal is to stay  Active and Happy with dance. Ours is a dance initiative welcoming all. A danseuse par excellence, Srinwanti is an internationally acclaimed Indian classical dancer, innovative choreographer and dance educator. Our dancing groups are based out of Chile, London, Paris, Athens , Bengaluru, Chennai and  Delhi.We have 22 years of dance teaching experience to all age groups in different schools and universities both nationally and internationally.Online Odissi we have been teaching since 2010


 Srinwanti ~ the dance artist  

A postgraduate in Sociology ,  Srinwanti had a penchant for dancing even in her childhood and she was inducted into the Odissi dance form at the tender age of five. Srinwanti has been pursuing the Gharana of Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra for many years. Srinwanti finds life in the rhythm of Odissi and she has dedicated herself to the arduous practice of this classical genre. Srinwanti has acquired a high level of expertise in her teens. She has proved her excellence and earned reputation as a dance performer, innovative choreographer and dance educator both in India and abroad.Her devotion,dedication and determination to Odissi is evident in the number of prestigious performances she has given all over India and in abroad, in the countries of United States of America , Canada, England, Italy, France, Romania , Switzerland , Austria, South Africa , Belgium, Greece, China , Sweden.  She is a dance influencer committed to create more awareness of dance wellness.  Srinwanti has given well received Odissi recitals , lecture demonstrations and workshops in over 20 countries.

 Srinwanti ~ the choreographer 

Srinwanti has always tried to do justice to her artistic creativity. In her artistic endeavour, she has created choreographic pieces which has received huge amount of appreciation not only in India but also highly in abroad. Some of her experimental pieces of work are Govinda Bolo, Mangalam , Ecstasy, Mudra , Khel , Raghupati ,Krishnastotra, Omkar Namah ,Durgastuti, Barsaat, Ta Dhin etc.

In India the choreographic stage production which has given Srinwanti much critical appreciation is "Ahan – the dawn". Srinwanti’s other successful choreographic productions are "Abhihita" based on emotions of human life, "Cadence" – her  experimental work in which Srinwanti searches for her own dance vocabulary and "Black November" -  a creative  work blending dance, theatre and live arts.

Her recent work is Barsaat for which she received much appreciation. Srinwanti has also choreographed for Indian National Television channel "Sony Entertainment Television" for the popular TV show " DPL – Dance Premiere League" , in which Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu was featured

 In England, the choreographic productions she has worked in are"Aastaran – the layers", "The Chase" and "Meghdoot".

In Paris , she has worked in the artistic production " Infinite Man " , celebrating 150th Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore.

In France, the  choreographic productions she has worked in are "La Pèlerinage" , " In Conversation" , "Ahan 2014 ","Yantra ","Invitation au voyage en Inde " based on the poems of French Poet Baudelaire and "Cendrillon du Bresil" which was staged in UNESCO , Paris.

She is the Dance Performer and Choreographer of the group Global Dance and Music Expression . 

In Sweden she has staged productions with "Global Dance and Music Expression".

In Austria she presented productions called " War and Peace " ,"Ephemeral Motion ", " Mythologie und Emotion" , "Cadence" and " Traumwald". 

Srinwanti is currently developing a series called "Stories in Motion " .

  Srinwanti ~ the dance educator 

She has given training in Odissi dance in all over the world , in over 20 countries. Since 2000 she has been giving numerous Odissi recitals , and conducted several dance workshops and lecture demonstrations . Besides this, in her institute"SRIJATI – a centre for art and culture", she conducts regular dance classes and gives training in Odissi dance and movements in its many branches and in our online platform She has conducted several dance workshops, regular dance classes and lecture demonstrations throughout USA,England and throughout Europe since 2006 in different educational schools, colleges, arts centre, dance schools and institutes.

Now she gives regular dance classes ,conducts workshops and demonstrations throughout France , Austria and Europe. 

Recently she has conducted lecture demonstrations and workshops in University of Chicago , University of Fort Lauderdale , U.S.A. , University of Witwatersrand, South Africa etc. 

Arts Education Online

For Info visit  Srijati Arts conduct online Odissi dance classess according to the convenient global time zones.  The live, real time, interactive classes are conducted  as group dance lessons and as one-on-one private online Odissi lessons corresponding to the best convenient time schedules for international students from different countries and also throughout India.

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